Meeting documents

  • Meeting of Annual Council, Council, Monday, 20th May, 2019 6.30 pm (Item 1.)

To elect the Chairman of the Council for the year 2019/2020.

(i)      The Chairman of the Council to invite nominations for the election of Chairman for 2019/2020.

(ii)     Councillor S K Raja seconded by Councillor Ms K Wood to propose that Councillor P R Turner be elected Chairman of the Council for 2019/2020.

(iii)    The Chairman of the Council to ask if there are any other nominations.

(iv)    The Chairman of the Council to put the nomination(s) to the meeting.

(v)     The Chairman of the Council to declare Councillor P R Turner duly elected.

(vi)    Councillor P R Turner to accept office and make the necessary declaration and to be presented with the Chairman’s Chain.

(vii)  Mrs Turner to be presented with the Chairman’s Consort’s badge and a bouquet.

(viii)  The incoming Chairman of the Council to address the Council.               

(ix)    Vote of thanks to the retiring Chairman, Councillor A R Green to be proposed by Councillor P R Turner and seconded by Councillor S K Raja.

(x)     Councillor A R Green to respond.

(xi)    The Chairman of the Council to present to Councillor A R Green a past Chairman’s badge, and to Mrs Green a bouquet. 




It was proposed by Councillor S K Raja that Councillor P R Turner be elected as Chairman of the Council for the 2019/20 municipal year.


The proposer indicated that he hadhuge pleasure to stand to propose Cllr Paul Turner as Chairman of Wycombe District Council for the coming year.


Cllr Turner was a respected and hardworking Councillor having been first elected to Wycombe District Council in 2011 for the ward of Downley and Plomer Hill.


For the last four years he had been the Chairman of the Planning Committee, a sometimes unenviable task as you might imagine, but he had been fair and diligent and was continuing to be part of the committee, after handing over the chairmanship to an equally safe pair of hands.


Cllr Turner had also served as a deputy Cabinet member; a member of the Audit Committee and the Improvement and Review Commission.


In his role as a Wycombe District Council appointee to outside bodies, Cllr Turner was a member of the Red Kite Community Housing Board, a Trustee of Wycombe Rent Deposit Guarantee Scheme and had been involved in the operation of Wycombe Almshouses.


Councillor Raja indicated that he was confident that Councillor Paul Turner would put his experience to good use in representing Wycombe District Council as Chairman during the forthcoming year.


In seconding the proposal, Councillor Ms K Wood echoed the sentiments expressed by the proposer, and wholeheartedly agreed that Councillor Turner would make an excellent Chairman.


Upon there being no other nominations and upon being put to a vote it was


RESOLVED: That Councillor P R Turner be elected a Chairman for the Municipal Year 2019/20.


Councillor P R Turner thereupon accepted office, made the necessary declaration and was presented with the Chairman`s chain. Mrs Turner was presented with the Chairman`s Consort`s badge and a bouquet.


Councillor P R Turner in the Chair


The Chairman thanked Councillors Sarfaraz Raja and Ms Wood for their kind words.


Expressing that it was always an honour to serve as Wycombe District Council Chairman, and given that their Council was in its last year, as all present headed towards a new unitary Council; Councillor Turner hoped that he could continue to represent all the residents of the District with respect and fairness with the support of all the elected Members.


The Chairman indicated that the theme for the year was partly dictated by the times in which the Councillors found themselves. It was an opportunity to look back over the centuries of history of the District, its towns and its villages, its buildings and its landscape, and a chance to reflect on the achievements of this Council since its creation in 1974 following the merger of the Municipal Borough of High Wycombe with Marlow Urban District and Wycombe Rural District, whilst at the same time an opportunity to look forward with hope and expectation and seizing the opportunities that change would bring.


The Chairman; Councillor P R Turner proposed a vote of thanks to the outgoing Chairman Councillor A R Green, congratulating him on his achievements as he hadably represented this District as Chairman over the past year. As Vice-Chairman he had seen how hard he had worked and how enthusiastically he had carried out the role. He certainly was a hard act to follow.

In his new role in helping to shape the new unitary authority he was sure he would be even busier and represent the residents of this District and the wider unitary area with the same integrity, commitment and energy that he had shown as Chairman of this authority.


Councillor S K Raja seconded the vote of thanks emphasising that Councillor Green had done a fantastic job in his role of Chairman. He had bumped into him at many events over the last year, Councillor Raja being there in his Mayoral role, he had built up a good rapport with Councillor Green. Councillor Green had carried out his duties with dignity and respect, and it had been a pleasure to be there to witness this.


In responding the outgoing Chairman, thanked everyone for their kind and sincere words, stating that it had indeed been an absolute privilege to carry out the role of Chairman of this Council. A Council which was held in high esteem by the residents and neighbouring authorities.

Councillor Green indicated that the new Chairman would no doubt enjoy both the formal and informal events as he had done throughout the year.

In respect of Councillor Green’s new role this year, the orders in respect of the new Unitary Authority were imminently to be laid before Parliament, he would in his new role hold paramount the best interests of residents. It was sad that this was the last year of Wycombe District Council, he hoped that the new authority would encompass the best of what Wycombe District Council did. He thanked all for their support in his role as Chairman. Without the chain he looked forward to being more political in the chamber.

The Chairman of the Council thereupon presented to Councillor A R Green a past Chairman’s Badge and to Mrs Green a bouquet.